The Washington Stand | July 30, 2023
The ‘Moral Right’ to End Your Life by Hannah Tu
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The ‘Moral Right’ to End Your Life
結束生命是 「道德權利」?
by Hannah Tu
July 30, 2023
1 Ali Tate Cutler said she didn’t expect to make headlines when she posted a video about her grandmother’s decision to end her life.
阿里·塔特·卡特勒(Ali Tate Cutler)說,當她發佈一段關於祖母決定結束其生命的視頻時,她沒想到自己會成為頭條新聞。
- make headlines 成為新聞頭條
2 In the video, she asked “Bubbie” questions about her choice to be euthanized. “Would you prefer it to be at home? … Are you nervous? … Are you excited?” Her grandmother explained the euthanasia process and the reasoning behind her choice to die. Tate Cutler wrote in the Instagram caption, “TBH, I was very resistant to euthanasia before she told me her decision. It felt unethical to me. But I have had my mind changed after hearing her reasons, and I’m so happy that she has the option available in Canada.” Other users showed their appreciation for the Instagram influencer’s post, with one commenting, “[I]t’s so beautiful she gets to pass in a dignified way[.] I wish my mum had the same chance[.]”
在視頻中,她問「布比」(Bubbie)關於她選擇安樂死的問題。「你更喜歡在家裡嗎?你緊張嗎?你興奮嗎?」她的祖母解釋了安樂死的過程和她選擇死亡的原因。塔特·卡特勒(Tate Cutler)在 Instagram的標題中寫道:「說實話,在她告訴我她的決定之前,我非常抗拒安樂死。我覺得這不道德。但聽了她的理由後,我的想法改變了,我很高興她在加拿大可以選擇安樂死。」 其他用戶也對這位 Instagram 達人的帖子表示贊賞,一位用戶評論道:「她能以一種有尊嚴的方式離開人世,真是太美好了。我希望我媽媽也能有這樣的機會。」
*Instagram (IG) 即時電報社交軟件,又稱照片牆
- euthanasia /ˌjuːθəˈneɪʒə/ n.安樂死
- resistant /rɪˈzɪstənt/ adj.抗拒的
- unethical /ʌnˈeθɪkl/ adj.不道德的
- influencer /ˈɪnfluənsər/ n.網絡紅人
- pass /pæs/ v.去世
3 But is euthanasia beautiful? Is assisted suicide* dignified? Is suffering a justifiable reason to end one’s life? According to 62% of Americans, the answer is yes.
*assisted suicide 輔助自殺
4 In 2013, Pew Research Center* conducted a survey on views of end-of-life medical treatment. They discovered that 56% of adults believe a person has a moral right to end his or her life if suffering from an incurable disease, and six-in-ten adults (62%) believe a person has a moral right to end their own life if they are suffering great pain and have no hope of improvement. It is not surprising then that euthanasia and assisted suicide enjoy high support rates among Americans.
2013 年,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)進行了一項關於臨終醫療觀點的調查。他們發現,56%的成年人認為,如果一個人罹患不治之症,他或她有道德權利結束自己的生命;十分之六(62%)的成年人認為,如果一個人遭受巨大痛苦且無望好轉的時候,他或她有道德權利結束自己的生命。因此,安樂死和協助自殺在美國人中有很高的支持率也就不足為奇了。
*Pew Research Center 皮尤研究中心
- incurable /ɪnˈkjʊrəbl/ adj.無法治癒的
- enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ v.享有(某種權利、聲譽)
5 While euthanasia is currently illegal in America, some states have legalized physician-assisted suicide*. What’s the difference? According to Death with Dignity, a national end-of-life advocacy group, euthanasia is “the act of painlessly, but deliberately, causing the death of another who is suffering from an incurable, painful disease or condition.” Assisted suicide is when a doctor assists a patient in committing suicide, usually through a prescription of lethal drugs which the patient self-ingests. In the United States, doctors cannot directly end a patient’s life, but they can assist in providing the patient with means to end their own life in certain states.
雖然安樂死目前在美國是非法的,但有些州已將醫生協助自殺合法化。安樂死和協助自殺這兩者有什麼區別?根據全國性臨終關懷組織 「尊嚴死亡」(Death with Dignity)的定義,安樂死是「在無痛苦的情況下,故意造成患有無法治癒的痛苦疾病或病症的他人死亡的行為」。協助自殺是指醫生協助病人自殺,通常是通過開處方讓病人自行服用致死藥物。在美國,醫生不能直接結束病人的生命,但在某些州,醫生可以協助向病人提供結束自己生命的方法。
*physician-assisted suicide 醫生輔助自殺
- advocacy /ˈædvəkəsi/ n.擁護,主張
- prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/ n.處方,藥房
- lethal /ˈliːθl/ adj.致命的
- ingest /ɪnˈdʒest/ v.攝入,嚥下
6 Today, the assisted suicide and euthanasia debate focuses on voluntary end-of-life choices, meaning individuals choose to end their life and are not killed against their will. For Right to Die advocates, euthanasia and assisted suicide are compassionate or dignified options for those faced with insurmountable pain or severe loss of autonomy. Anita Hannig, an associate professor of Anthropology at Brandeis University, puts it this way. “Patients who endure intractable, painful diseases sometimes reach a moment when the prospect of staying alive feels worse than the prospect of dying. At that point, the idea of having a say over the timing and manner of their death can bring enormous comfort.”
如今,關於協助自殺和安樂死的爭論主要集中在自願結束生命的選擇上,這意味著個人選擇結束自己的生命,並非違背自己的意願死亡。對於「死亡權利」組織的倡導者來說,安樂死和協助自殺是為那些面臨難以克服的痛苦或嚴重喪失自主能力的人提供的富有同情心或有尊嚴的選擇。布蘭戴斯大學(Brandeis University)人類學副教授安妮塔·漢尼格(Anita Hannig)這樣說道:「忍受著棘手的、痛苦的疾病折磨的病人有時會在某一時刻感到活著的前景比死亡的前景更糟糕。」這時,對死亡的時間和方式擁有決定權的想法會給他們帶來巨大的安慰。」
- advocate /ˈædvəkət/ n.擁護者
- insurmountable /ˌɪnsərˈmaʊntəbl/ adj.無法克服的
- intractable /ɪnˈtræktəbl/ adj.棘手的,難治療的
- prospect /ˈprɑːspekt/ n.前景,指望
7 Similarly, in a video from a San Diego County hospice, Dr. Flora shares her thoughts on California’s End of Life Option Act, which permits physician-assisted suicide. “It allows people to take control of their lives that are so out of control right now. I mean, imagine having that diagnosis of glioblastoma*, you know, a horrible aggressive brain tumor or metastatic prostate cancer, you know, another very, very painful cancer, and not knowing what lies in your future. Not knowing how much you may be suffering because you’re suffering tremendously right now. And then to all of a sudden be able to say, ‘You know what? I see an end date. I’m going to choose the end date, and I’m going to choose how I die.’ And that’s what I think brings so much joy to most of my patients, or I would say 99% of my patients participating in it.”
類似地,在聖地亞哥一家臨終關懷機構的視頻中,弗洛拉醫生(Dr. Flora)分享了她對加利福尼亞州《生命終結選擇法案》(California’s End of Life Option Act)的看法,該法案允許醫生協助自殺。該法案允許醫生協助病人自殺,「現在他們的生命已經失控,而它讓人們能夠掌控自己的生命。我的意思是,想象一下被診斷出患有膠質母細胞瘤(一種可怕的侵襲性腦瘤),或轉移性前列腺癌(另一種非常非常痛苦的癌症),卻不知道自己的未來會怎樣。不知道自己會遭受多大的痛苦,因為你現在已經承受著巨大的痛苦。突然之間,你有權利說,『你知道嗎?我看到了結束那天。我要選擇結束的日子,我要選擇我會如何死去。』這就是我認為能給大多數病人帶來快樂的地方,或者我可以說,我有99%的病人都參與其中。」
*glioblastoma 膠質母細胞瘤,是腦癌的一種,最重要的症狀是不斷惡化的記憶、性格或者神經衰退
- glioblastoma /ɡliɑblæstowmə/ n.膠質母細胞瘤
- metastatic /ˌmetəˈstætɪk/ adj.(醫學術語)轉移性的
- prostate /ˈprɑːsteɪt/ n.前列腺
8 According to the logic of pro-euthanasia advocates (and the majority of American adults), the presence of intense suffering gives moral permission for self-destruction. While suicide is discouraged in our society, it becomes an acceptable — and even morally permissive — option upon prognosis of terminal illness and suffering.
- prognosis /prɑːɡˈnəʊsɪs/ n.醫生對病情的預測
9 What is particularly concerning about this rationale is the utilization of death as a solution to a problem. Philosophically speaking, if assisted suicide is justifiable based on terminal illness or suffering, where does one draw the line? What if prognoses are wrong or suffering occurs without a natural end in sight? Why does “death with dignity” apply to the terminally ill and not to others? And if everyone has a “right to die,” what are the implications for suicide?
- justifiable /ˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəbl/ adj.視為正當的
- draw the line 規定範圍
- terminally /ˈtɜːrmɪnəli/ adv.處於晚期
- implication /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn/ n.可能的後果,可能的影響
10 While we cannot lose sight of compassion for suffering individuals, killing should not be an option. The lines of terminal illness and pain, while understandable, are rather arbitrary standards, explaining why a few European countries extend euthanasia and suicide options to those suffering from certain psychological and non-terminal illnesses. If suffering justifies self-destruction, what does that teach others about the purpose of life? Furthermore, advances in palliativecare* have significantly improved pain management; pain is not the primary reason why people choose to take their life.
*palliative care 姑息治療,安寧療護,安寧緩和醫療(一種治療癌症的方法)
- understandable /ˌʌndərˈstændəbl/ adj.可理解的
- arbitrary /ˈɑːrbɪtreri/ adj.武斷的,專斷的
- palliative /ˈpæliətɪv/ adj.姑息治療的,安寧治療的
11 The normalizing of death can only lead to a trivialization of life. The growing number of deaths by assisted suicide in Oregon and California point to the consequences of this mentality. Allowing someone to take his or her life is not truly compassionate or dignifying. As David Closson, director of Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview, commented, “The implications of normalizing death is an inherent degrading and devaluing of the human person. We’re already facing a crisis in the Western world when it comes to the value of the human person … and so if we normalize euthanasia [and] physician assisted suicide, then once again we’re just going to make it more common place that human life is cheap, that human life is dispensable.”
死亡的正常化只會導致對生命的渺小化。俄勒岡州和加利福尼亞州越來越多的人死於協助自殺,已說明瞭這種心態的後果。允許某人結束自己的生命並不是真正的同情或尊嚴。正如家庭研究委員會聖經世界觀中心主任大衛·克勞森(David Closson)所評論的那樣:「死亡正常化的影響是對人的內在貶低和貶值。當涉及到人的價值時,在西方世界我們已經面臨危機……因此,如果我們將安樂死[和]醫生協助自殺正常化,那麼我們將再一次使人命廉價、人命可有可無的現象變得更加普遍。」
*Family Research Council 家庭研究委員會,使命是「從聖經的世界觀出發,在公共政策和文化中倡導信仰、家庭和自由,為上帝的國度服務。」
- normalize /ˈnɔːrməlaɪz/ v.使正常化
- trivialization /ˌtrɪviələˈzeɪʃn/ n.渺小化,微不足道化
- consequence /ˈkɑːnsɪkwens/ n.後果,結果
- degrade /dɪˈɡreɪd/ v.使降級
- devalue /ˌdiːˈvæljuː/ v. 使貶值
- dispensable /dɪˈspensəbl/ adj.可有可無的
12 Dr. Daniel P. Sulmasy, a professor of biomedical ethics at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, agrees. “To assert that one values human life, and at the same time to commit suicide is contradictory and illogical. So, to kill oneself … necessarily devalues human life. And, because we are all human beings, therefore, every human being is (or should be) resentful of his or her life being devalued.”
肯尼迪倫理學研究所(Kennedy Institute of Ethics)生物醫學倫理學教授丹尼爾·蘇爾馬西博士(Daniel P. Sulmasy)對此表示贊同。他說:「一個人一邊聲稱自己珍視人的生命,一邊又要自殺,這是自相矛盾、也是不合邏輯的。因此,自殺……必然貶低人的生命。而且,由於我們都是人,因此,每個人都(或應該)對自己的生命被貶值而感到不滿。」
- biomedical /ˌbaɪəʊˈmedɪkl/ adj.生物醫學的
- assert /əˈsɜːrt/ v.斷言,堅稱
- contradictory /ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪktəri/ adj.矛盾的
13 Every person has intrinsic value and worth. Euthanasia and assisted suicide end a person’s life prematurely and (intentionally or unintentionally) weaken humanity’s understanding of the importance of life. As in Bubbie’s case, loss of autonomy is a primary motivation for considering death. But it also sends a clear and dangerous signal that a life marked by dependence and inability to enjoy certain activities is a life that is ugly, undignified, and no longer worth living. This is not to say suffering shouldn’t be alleviated whenever possible, but choosing death is not the solution.
- prematurely /ˌpriːməˈtʃʊrli/ adv.過早地,倉促的
- dependence /dɪˈpendəns/ n.依賴,依靠
- alleviate /əˈliːvieɪt/ v.減輕
14 Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who became quadriplegic after a diving accident as a teenager, understands the heartache of pain and dependence. However, her perspective is far from despair. Her joy is anchored in something much more satisfying than utilitarian promises or humanistic rationales. Tada draws her value and worth from her Creator, not from her lack of ability. It’s not easy to do, and she freely admits the daily struggles and burdens she must lay before her Savior.
瓊妮·厄爾克森·塔達(Joni Eareckson Tada)是一位在青少年時期因潛水事故而四肢癱瘓的女性,她深知痛苦和依賴所帶來的心痛。然而,她的觀點遠非絕望。她的快樂源於某種比功利性的承諾或人本主義理論更令人滿意的東西。塔達的價值來自她的造物主,而不是自己能力的不足。要做到這一點並不容易,她坦然承認自己每天都必須在救世主面前掙扎,承受重擔。
- utilitarian /ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteriən/ adj.功利主義的
- humanistic /ˌhjuːməˈnɪstɪk/ adj.人本主義的
15 However, thousands of people have been touched by her life, some even given hope to live. Like Bubbie, Tada recognizes the days ahead are marked by suffering and degeneration in this fallen world. But instead of turning to death, she flees to Jesus for relief. Her response to pain and suffering are in stark contrast to the secular perspective. “He has chosen not to heal me, but to hold me. The more intense the pain, the closer His embrace.”
- degeneration /dɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ n.退化,墮落
16 Does it get more dignified or beautiful than that?