2023年12月8日是施達能夫婦(John and Betty Stam)殉道89週年。約翰・施達能相識其妻子貝蒂於慕迪神學院,因著主耶穌將福音傳向所有未得之民的呼召,兩人在中國結婚,在安徽省旌德縣傳道。作為內地會宣教士(China Inland Mission),他們被紅軍綁架勒索巨額贖金,於1934年12月8日死於中共紅軍的刀下,只有唯一的女兒海倫幸免於難。本文翻譯自海外基督使團OMF(Overseas Missionary Fellowship)的紀念文章。
- 殉道者之歌 生命季刊 https://www.cclifefl.org/View/Article/171
- 殉道者之歌續篇 生命季刊 https://www.cclife.org/View/Article/3143
- 貝蒂・施達能(中文名「史文明」,英文全稱:Elisabeth Alden “Betty” Stam)內地會美國女宣教士。先後在安徽潁州、潁上和旌德宣教,最後被害於安徽廟首,年僅28歲。https://bdcconline.net/zh-hant/stories/shi-wenming
- “Stam Baby Safe”: Remembering John and Betty Stam https://fromthevault.wheaton.edu/2019/12/03/stam-baby-safe-remembering-john-and-betty-stam/
Keith & Kristyn Getty演繹的這首Thou Who Was Rich Beyond All Splendor(暫譯:祢是富足超越萬有的主)是我個人最喜歡聽的一首聖詩。此聖詩的文字版會在本文結尾全文放送。1930年代,內地會(China Inland Mission)的負責人在了解到施達能夫婦的遭遇之後,跋涉千里拜訪中國多處福音宣教地,寫出這首動人的詩篇。從Getty視頻下的留言,才了解到原來這首聖詩還有這樣一段故事。在此將這段留言中施達能夫婦的後代(奇普・施達能)說的話翻譯過來。
Here’s what my late friend Chip Stam wrote (I knew Chip and his future-wife Doris back in UNC days; they sang at our wedding): “This hymn was written at a particularly difficult time in the history of the missions to China. Missionaries had been captured by the communist Red Army and released in poor health after over a year of suffering. Others had been captured never to be heard from again. In 1934 the young missionaries John and Betty Stam (my great aunt and uncle) were captured in Anhwei and beheaded. The news of these sorrows had reached the mission’s headquarters in Shanghai. Though this was a very dangerous time for both the Chinese Christians and the foreign missionaries, Frank Houghton decided he needed to begin a tour through the country to visit various missionary outposts. While traveling over the mountains of Szechwan, the powerful and comforting words of 2 Corinthians 8:9, “though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor,” were transformed into this beautiful Christmas hymn.” I love the musical gesture of the first line: “Thou who wast rich” descends, then we vault up each time we sing “beyond” – a melodic reminder that Christ descended to take us up, an ascent that begins in the here and now. Let your heart be filled with reverence. His descent is followed by an invitation stronger than death; as Jesus says after calling Lazarus from the tomb, “Unbind him and let him go!” Emmanuel, within us dwelling – Christ in us, the hope of glory.
這是我已故的朋友奇普・施達能(Chip Stam)寫的(我在聯合國軍司令部時代就認識奇普和他未來的妻子多麗絲;他們在我們的婚禮上演唱過):
這首贊美詩是在中國宣教史上特別艱難的時期寫成的。傳教士被共產黨紅軍俘虜,有的經過一年多的煎熬後,在健康狀況不佳的情況下被釋放。還有一些傳教士被俘後再也沒有音訊。1934 年,年輕的傳教士約翰和貝蒂・施達能(我的曾叔祖母)在安微被俘並被斬首。這些不幸的消息傳到了上海的傳教士總部。儘管那時對中國基督徒和外國傳教士來說都是非常危險的時刻,弗蘭克・霍頓(Frank Houghton)還是決定要開啟一次全國巡回,走訪各個傳教前哨站。在翻越四川山區的途中,他將一句有力而令人欣慰的經文轉化成了這首美麗的聖誕贊美詩:「祂本來富足,卻為你們的緣故成為貧窮」(《哥林多後書》8:9)。我喜歡第一行的歌詞的音樂曲調:「祢本來富足」下降,然後我們每次唱到「超越」時都會上升。這段旋律提醒我們,基督下降是為了要我們上升,這種上升始於此時此地。讓你的內心充滿敬畏吧。在祂降臨之後,還有比死亡更強烈的邀請;正如耶穌將拉撒路從墳墓中召喚出來後所說:「解開他,讓他走!」以馬內利,住在我們裡面——基督在我們裡面,祂是榮耀的盼望。【DeepL輔助翻譯】
The Martyrdom of John and Betty Stam
by Gordon Dunn
First published in East Asia’s Millions, November/December 1984, as “For the Stams No Deliverance”
首次發表於《東亞的百萬》1984 年 11-12 月刊,題為「對施達能一家來說,沒有解脫」
It was a bleak December day in brick-walled Tsingteh in South Anhwei, China, when rumors began to sift through of a possible bandit attack on the city. Farther to the south the muddied waters of the mighty Yangtze rolled through Wuhu, past Nanking, Chenkiang and Kiangyin to stain the blue waters of the Pacific. But no echo of the world’s commerce ruffled the secluded city of Tsingteh this day in 1934. Hidden like a jewel in the heart of rugged natural beauty, Tsingteh was accessible to the outside world only by stone paths cut through the mountains.
十二月的一天,在中國安微南部磚牆林立的旌德,傳言說土匪可能會襲擊這座城市。在更遠的南方,渾濁的長江水滾滾流過蕪湖,經過南京、陳江和江陰,染紅了太平洋湛藍的海水。但在 1934 年的這一天,世界商業的回聲並沒有撼動這座僻靜的地方。旌德就像一顆明珠隱藏在崎嶇的自然美景之中,外界只能通過穿山而過的石板路才能到達。
John and Betty Stam were not the first missionaries to find their way to this isolated community of people, but they were the first to settle there as a family. Their first child, newborn Helen Priscilla – beautiful with blue eyes, innocent face, and curly hair – gladdened the hearts of the young couple. A rented shopfront on a stone-flagged street served as their home and preaching chapel as well.
約翰和貝蒂・施達能並不是最早來到這個與世隔絕的地區的傳教士,但他們卻是最早在那裡定居的家庭。他們的第一個孩子,剛出生的海倫・普莉西雅(Helen Priscilla)有著美麗的藍眼睛、純真的臉龐和捲曲的頭髮。這讓這對年輕夫婦欣喜不已。他們在石板街上租了一間店面,這既是他們的家,也是他們的佈道教堂。
John had already demonstrated remarkable facility in speaking Chinese. Fresh from language school in Anking he had attended a spiritual life conference led by Dr. James Graham* for Chinese believers. Listening intently, John took careful notes. Immediately afterwards, with surprising effectiveness, the new missionary reproduced these messages in Chinese at a summer conference in nearby Sucheng. Now, however, he was married and wholly on his own for the first time on the mission field.
約翰・施達能在說中文的方面已經表現出了非凡的能力。他剛從安慶的語言學校畢業時,就參加了詹姆斯・格雷厄姆博士(Dr. James Graham)為中國信徒舉辦的屬靈生命會。約翰認真聆聽,仔細記錄。緊接著,這位新傳教士在附近蘇城的夏季會議上用中文重述了這些信息,效果好的出人意料。然而現在的他已經結婚,他們要在宣教的禾場上第一次完全靠自己。
*註:詹姆斯・格雷厄姆博士(Dr. James Graham),中文名賈嘉美,美南長老會差派至中國的宣教士,中文語言極好。中共控制大陸後,在臺灣努力推動福音事工,幫助建立中原大學工程系和臺北基督學院(Christ’s College Taipei)。更多信息可見華典:https://bdcconline.net/zh-hant/stories/jia-jiamei
“Do you think we should leave, John?” wondered Betty as she bathed the baby that morning, little realizing that it would be the last time she would do so.
“We’ll wait and see,” replied John.
The stories were contradictory and confusing, the rumors wild and unconfirmable. No one knew the truth. In the end the authorities were caught off guard. As the bandit horde piled into the city through the unguarded East Gate, the magistrate and his train barely escaped through the West Gate. By this time it was, of course, too late for John and Betty even to think of fleeing. Better stay and weather the storm, they decided.
But this storm was different from any Tsingteh had ever seen before. Wildly cheering, the bandits at last broke through the Stams’ front door. Urging them to sit down, John served the uninvited guests tea. But such courtesies were lost on the outlaws, who were out to avenge themselves on a thankless society, and John and Betty were ordered to get ready to leave.
Although the Stams had been in Tsingteh only a short time, many friends watched silently and helplessly from doorway and roadside as the young foreign couple, stripped of their outer garments, were paraded down the street. John’s hands were tightly tied behind his back. Betty, on horseback, held baby Priscilla. No one who saw them dared to lift a finger to help, for the city was in the grip of lawless terror. Wealthy people, landlords, stragglers among government officials and others were also taken captive. The communist bandits, perhaps fearing a counter-attack, urgently herded their “enemies of the people” along the stone-slab road that led to Miaoshou, some twelve miles west of the city.
John’s arms were probably unbound as the little family was thrust into a mud hut to spend the night, for in those first hours of capitivity John wrote a letter to the China Inland Mission leaders. It said, in substance:
“My wife, baby and myself are today in the hands of communist bandits. Whether we will be released or not no one knows. May God be magnified in our bodies, whether by life or by death. Philippians 1:20”
And probably sometime during that night of prayer and suspense Betty tucked provision into her little daughter’s snuggle bunny (hooded sleeping bag) and bundled her into the pile of heavy winter bedding.
But what made the little baby sleep for 27 hours without a cry, a silence that saved her? What happened to the parents when the sun broke over the beautiful tree-covered hillside that December morning? These are questions we still ask. If there were eyewitnesses, we do not have their testimony.
We do know that the bandits moved on to fresh violence. We know that a courageous Christian, Mr. Lo, something of a lay evangelist, followed the trail as soon as he dared. It was he who found the bodies of John and Betty Stam and, at the risk of being discovered by lingering bandits, obtained coffins and sealed the bodies inside. The danger was by no means over – the times were so chaotic, in fact, that the coffins lay there for 40 days in the long grass of the Miaoshou hillside before even government help could be secured to bring them out for burial.
Having cared for the dead, Lo looked for the baby. He presumed she had been ruthlessly killed too – or kidnapped. At any rate there was no sign of the little foreign baby. Quite by accident he eventually discovered her, still sleeping in the little hut, content and carefree, unaware that the sword had made her an orphan for life. But after her long fast she was hungry – that she knew.
In the baby’s clothing, Lo found the ten-dollar bill, miraculously still where it was placed in faith and love by a tender mother, doubtless with the prayer that it might save her little one’s life. That it did. Wonderfully, Lactogen – milk powder of a special brand and a rare commodity in those parts – was found. And the one person in the area who knew the proper formula was Lo’s wife. So when Helen Priscilla arrived at the mission compound in Wuhu, carried there in a coolie’s vegetable basket, she was puzzled, perhaps, but in good spirits and in good health.
When the coffins were finally delivered to the missionary hospital in Wuhu, the heavy coffin lids were lifted to reveal the bodies, lying on their backs, modestly clothed in their underwear, just as they had trod the streets of Tsingteh a month and a half before. Each casket contained probably one hundred pounds of lime. The bodies, wrapped in clean, white cotton sheeting, were preserved in good condition. Apart from deep rope bruises on John’s wrists, there was no evidence of mutilation or abuse.
John’s straight, aquiline nose and jutting chin were tilted in his customary posture of candor and open friendliness. His lips were parted in an expectant smile. One could easily believe that when the dagger struck, tearing a savage hold in the front of his throat, that he saw beyond his assassin to the angel hosts at the portals of heaven. Certainly there was no sign of fear or terror, leading us to conclude that the attack was sudden, and death almost immediate. What courage it must have taken for Lo to make even unskilled attempts to stitch up the torn throat to make it more respectable!
With Betty it was somewhat different. On her face serenity was blended with terror and consternation. Obviously she had witnessed what happened to her husband. But in the same split second a heavy sword swung across her neck from behind, almost severing head from body. Even here Lo had succeeded in sewing the head back on again so that it appeared almost natural. What struck each of us who saw the bodies and what made the sight unforgettable was the underlying look of quiet peace and expectancy on the faces of the two martyrs.
Their bodies lie buried in a little Christian cemetery on a quiet hillside in the rice-bowl city of Wuhu. There they await an Easter deliverance that was denied them on earth. The handful of China Inland Mission missionaries and local Christians at the simple burial service took comfort in God’s assurance, “My ways are not your ways; neither are your ways My ways.” But more than one was heard to say, “Why were the Stams, with all their gifts, taken at the very beginning of their missionary career? And why was I left?” Only God has the answer.
Helen Priscilla Stam was three months old when her parents were killed in China. She was brought to the United States and was cared for by her maternal grandparents, who had also been missionaries in China, until she was five years old. She was adopted by her mother’s sister and her husband who were missionaries in the Philippines. She grew up in the Philippines and returned to the United States for college, after which she was involved in student work for her denomination. Growing up, Helen wanted to avoid the publicity associated with her family’s experiences, so she took the name of her aunt and uncle. She lives in the Eastern part of the United States, is single, and worked as an editor of scientific journals until her retirement.
海倫・普莉西雅・施達能(Helen Priscilla Stam)的父母在中國遇難時,她只有三個月大。她被帶回美國,由同樣曾在中國傳教的外祖父母照顧到五歲。她被母親在菲律賓傳教的姐姐和丈夫收養。她在菲律賓長大,後來回到美國上大學,大學畢業後參與了所在教派的學生工作。長大後,海倫希望避免與家人經歷相關的宣傳,因此她使用了姨媽和姨父的名字。她住在美國東部,單身,退休前一直擔任科學期刊的編輯。
John Stam was born in 1907 in Paterson, NJ, and Betty (Scott) Stam was born in 1906 in Albion, MI. They met each other at Moody Bible Institute, where both felt God’s leading to China. Betty went to China in 1931 as a missionary of the China Inland Mission (CIM). John sailed to China next year also as a CIM missionary, and was stationed in a different region from Betty’s. A year later, the two married on October 25, 1933. In September 1934 (note: the civil war in China between government forces and the Red Army had already started) their daughter, Helen Priscilla, was born in a Methodist hospital in Wuhu. Two months later the Stams left Wuhu and returned to their station, Tsingteh.
約翰・施達能於 1907 年出生於新澤西州帕特森,貝蒂(斯科特)・施達能於1906 年出生於密歇根州阿爾比恩。他們在慕迪聖經學院相識,在那裡兩人都感受到了上帝對他們去中國的引領。1931 年,貝蒂作為中國內地會的傳教士前往中國。第二年,約翰也作為中國內地會的宣教士前往中國,駐紮在與貝蒂不同的地區。一年後,兩人於 1933 年 10 月 25 日結婚。1934 年 9 月(注:當時國民政府軍和中共紅軍之間的內戰已經開始),他們的女兒海倫・普莉西雅(Helen Priscilla)在蕪湖衛理公會醫院出生。兩個月後,施達能夫婦離開蕪湖,回到了他們的駐地旌德。
The terrible death of the Stams shocked many Christians, including Frank Houghton who was at the CIM headquarters in Shanghai. Houghton, serving as editorial secretary of the CIM in England, happened to be in China during that time. His plan was to tour the country to visit various mission stations and to see the progress of the work. The tragic death of the Stams plus the capture of other CIM workers had made any travel questionable for foreigners at the time. When traveling over the mountains of Szechwan, Frank Houghton was reminded of God’s words in 2 Corinthians 8:9 (though He was rich, for your sakes He became poor). These words he made into a lovely hymn, Thou Who Wast Rich. Later Houghton accepted the calling as bishop of East Szechwan in 1937, the year when Japan started an eight-year war with China. Houghton also served as the general director of the CIM from 1940 to 1951.
施達能夫婦的慘死震驚了許多基督徒,其中包括當時在上海中國內地會總部的弗蘭克・霍頓(Frank Houghton)。霍頓在英國擔任中國內地會的編輯秘書,恰好在那段時間來到中國。他的計劃是在中國巡回訪問各個宣教站,看看工作的進展情況。施達能夫婦的不幸遇難以及其他中國傳教士的被捕,使得當時任何外國人的旅行都成了問題。在翻越四川山區時,弗蘭克・霍頓想起了上帝在《哥林多後書》 8:9 中所說的話(「祂雖然富足,卻為你們的緣故變為貧窮」)。他將這些話譜寫成了一首動聽的贊美詩《祢是富足超越萬有的主》(暫譯)。1937 年,日本發動了長達八年的侵華戰爭。從 1940 年到 1951 年,霍頓還擔任過中國內地會的總幹事。
The Stams’ death has inspired a generation of missionaries, and continued changing many Christians’ lives. The hymn (Thou Who Wast Rich), however, has gradually become unnoticeable over the years.
Thou Who Wast Rich
By Frank Houghton (1894-1972)
French Carol Melody
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour,
All for love’s sake becamest poor;
Thrones for a manger didst surrender,
Sapphire-paved courts for stable floor.
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour,
All for love’s sake becamest poor.
Thou who art God beyond all praising,
All for love’s sake becamest man;
Stooping so low, but sinners raising
Heavenwards by Thine eternal plan.
Thou who art God beyond all praising,
All for love’s sake becamest man.
Thou who art love beyond all telling,
Saviour and King, we worship thee.
Emmanuel, within us dwelling,
Make us what thou wouldst have us be.
Thou who art love beyond all telling,
Saviour and King, we worship thee.”